u The Main Dish: Catalog Living

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Catalog Living

Thanks to Michelle and the bloggers at Go Fug Yourself, I am now aware of a fabulous site called Catalog Living.

"Ever wondered who lives in those immaculate and overdecorated rooms you see in catalogs, with those brightly smiling children who are impossibly excited about owning a monogrammed towel? Wonder no more: The Catalog Living site imagines the occupants as a couple named Gary and Elaine, and scripts short captions about their lives."

Here is one of Dish's favourites:

Private property…

Gary Jr. painstakingly straightened his Star Wars figures after once again catching his dad playing with them.

Also check out the post labelled "A twist of something." This is time well wasted people!


At August 03, 2010 11:19 AM, Blogger Ferda said...

thank you for introducing me to this site - its got me in stitches! LOL

At August 03, 2010 11:22 AM, Blogger Dish said...

Here's another similar one to try: http://unhappyhipsters.com/ :o)


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