A useless train of thought for today...I find it funny how the American way is to leave your shoes on inside the house, while us Canadians are always removing are shoes at the door. Why is this? I never understood the philosophy of leaving your shoes on. Isn't the whole point of having shoes to keep your feet clean when you are outside? Why then would you want to track all that dirt in? Is it because here in Canada we get more crazy snowy, messy weather? But what about the people who live in Maine and other such places? They get snow too! When I was growing up, I had a friend whose father was American. They never took their shoes off at his place. Even in the dead of winter they would just walk all through the house with their shoes on - carpet not withstanding. I just don't get it. The first few times I went over, I removed my shoes to be polite and ended up getting my socks all wet because everyone else was tramping around in boots. Why clean up extra mess when you don't have to? I just don't get it.
Why don't you just bring your own slippers over?
I thought they only did that on tv. I didn't realize they did that in real life. That makes no sense.
Bring slippers to a place? Nah...that's done in real life.
Palmer, just cause you are an old man and bring your slippers every where you go, does not mean "everyone" in real life does it. :o)
I have a pair of big pink fuzzy ones I lend out when people come over.
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