Ode to Palmer
Palmer and I first met when I worked as a summer student at good old Phase IV. His friendly ways and desire to make all feel welcome really helped ease the “new job/I don`t know anyone” dread. Soon, I found myself invited to Bond nights and the friendship was solidified. Truly, there could be no better person to face the bagel nazi with on a daily basis than Palmer.
Palmer embraces the drama‑free lifestyle, but this does not mean he is unwilling to lend a listening ear when the drama in yours gets out of control. He’ll tell you it how it is, but always accompanies any hard‑to‑face truths with kind words.
Always full of compliments, the man brings fun with him wherever he goes. He is a great addition to any party — heck, he IS the party. One might even go so far as to say that he is a WILD party in true Kim Mitchell style…only without the horrific mullet, thank heavens!
Lover of AC (lightning bolt) DC, the Smashing Pumpkins, Guns N’ Roses and too many other bands to name, Palmer is definitely the ideal partner in crime for all things rock. With Palmer by your side, every concert is a guaranteed good time. And let’s not forget to mention that he himself is a singer/guitar-player/songwriter. He is best known for his catchy hit “The Man”, which is so good it will stick in your head for days. Just writing the title has it stuck in mine.
Closet fan of the thermos dog, king of interpretive dance and Chuck Norris enthusiast, Palmer is truly one of a kind. Thanks for the friendship.
Hope the birthday is a blast.
10/10 - would read again!
Happy Birthday Palmer
It just occurred to me that I forgot to add "grower of a truly pimp-worthy moustache" to the list of accomplishments! ;o)
Happy Birthday Palmer!
I only wish that you could experience Kim Mitchell in the 80 in all its Mullet rocking glory!
Is there a party this weekend? I'll see you at Larisa's wedding and get you a drink there!
Happy Birthday Brother!
Only the Dish could write such eloquent words about me. Thanks to you!
Well deserved.
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