A Truly Amazing Gift
Now everyone knows that Dish loves a good hot dog. She has blogged about them on many an occasion, the most famous of which would be the Thermos Dog post.
I am now the proud owner of a Red Hots 2 Minute Hot Dog Cooker made by Charlescraft. The beauty of this gift is that even though these things have probably been off the market since the 70s, the person selling it at their garage sale still had the instruction booklet!
I'll let it speak for itself:
"Your RED HOTS - Hot Dog Cooker will automatically cook regular or jumbo-sized wieners up to a maximum of 5 1/2 inches in length - fast - up to 2 minutes... piping hot and cooked to your satisfaction...every time!" ( I will refrain from commenting on the hideous use of punctuation here.)
"Children can now safely learn to cook Hot Dogs with a minimum of instruction."
"Open the lid to an upright position and insert your wiener(s) between the cooking contact plates. You may cook 1 to 4 wieners as desired."
"You also have the convenience with your Hot Dog Cooker of cooking frozen wieners. To do so wash the frozen wieners with hot water to remove excess ice and place in unit as per instructions (#2). Cooking time of a frozen wiener is longer (approximately 4 minutes).
"JUST THINK...NO MORE BOILING WATER TO COOK delicious Hot Dogs...the way you and your family want them!"
The true temptation here is to write to Charlescraft and tell them that my beloved Red Hots machine has broken and I can't live without it and see what they can do for me. I wonder do they still have any of these things on hand?
Out of curiosity, I googled to see if I could find any pictures of my Red Hots machine. I did not, but I did find a handy little gadget called the Octodog.
Here is the gadget:
And here is the result:
You can buy your own Octodog or watch an educational how-to video here.
Now that, my friends, is creativity!
oh, dear God, that's hilarious.
There are many people in Ottawa green with envy as I type...
I think the logical question is, do you cater wedding receptions and how much??
anything that allows children a measure of independence in consuming nitrates receives my approval
I am picturing octodogs with tiny veils, perhaps even holding bouquets of parsley...
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