Dear Dish on Men's Attempts to Woo the Ladies
Dear Dish:
The other night, a table of us four ladies were the recipient of a gift in the form of a bottle of Labatt 50 with four straws and a note saying "From the two guys at the end of the bar."
Should we be flattered and in awe of the hilariousness of this situation, or insulted that we were not worthy of four separate bottles?
Still Thirsty
Dear Thirsty:
Taking offence where none was meant is best left for when you are already in a relationship with a boy. The preferred follow-up action is to then act sulky and force your boy to repeatedly ask you what's wrong, to which you should always answer "nothing" but yet continue to sulk. This makes boys feel desperate to please you and will result in many perks. Try not to overdo it though. That will just make the boy cranky and you will lose your advantage. Also, please be warned that using this tactic too soon (i.e. the first time you meet) may turn boys off and then you won't be able to get them to take you out for a free dinner.
Consequently, what Dish recommends that you do in this situation is to assess the boys in question. Flirt it up. Bat your eyelashes. You might even want to throw in a giggle or two. Meanwhile, keep a close eye on them. Watch. Listen. Do they seem to be the type of boys who are imaginative and have a good sense of humour? If so, take the gesture at face value. It was clearly a clever and hilarious way to get your attention.
On the other hand, if these boys spend the whole time trying to impress you with talk of their fabulous jobs and high salaries, it may be an indication that you are out with cheapskates who like to talk about their money more than they like to spend it (thus the one beer per four girls). If such is the case, run away as fast as you can. No one likes a penny pincher.
P.S. Cobbler girl, if you are reading this, keep your comments to yourself! ;o)
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