Dear Dish on Patent Pending
Dear Dish:
I've noticed the words "Patent Pending" on a lot of things lately. A utility knife in my washroom or the toilet paper dispenser at work.
I understand the concept of a patent, in that once you patent an idea, no one else can use that same idea without your permission.
But what's the point of a pending patent? Do manufacturers say to themselves "Well, we want to get this product out there as fast as we can so let's just stick the 'Patent Pending' label on it to scare away anyone who thinks they could make the same object."?
Dish, should I be putting Patent Pending on everything I create (including snowmen)?
A concerned consumer
Dear Concerned:
Since it sometimes takes a long time for a patent to be issued for an invention, inventors sometimes choose to market their inventions before they are actually issued a patent. If a patent application has already been submitted, the product can be labelled "patent pending" to warn others that a patent is in the works and that, although others can make, use, and sell the invention until the patent is actually issued, copycats should be careful because they may end up infringing the inventor's rights with regard to the product and face legal consequences. Once a patent is issued, the "patent pending" label is replaced by a patent number.
Dish strongly recommends that you DO NOT stick "patent pending" labels on everything you make, including snowmen, since a) snowmen do not last long enough to bother labelling, unless you keep them in the freezer but then they infringe on your freezer space and b) it is highly illegal to use this label unless a patent application has been filed.
Talk of patents aside, Dish feels that the real and underlying issue here is the utility knife in your washroom. What exactly is it doing there? Are you trying a new fangled approach to shaving? Or is this an indication of deep emotional troubles? Remember, if you need to talk, Dish is here for you.
Good for people to know.
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