Safety Every Day...On Eating

Sweet roll with raisins
Coffee with milk and sugar
A poor lunch:
Frankfurter with roll
Soda pop
Candy bar (milk chocolate)
What did the poor banana do to get lumped in with the nitrate group? Poor banana. And my favourite part:
You might also...try eating prunes, or figs, or dates. Some children like them better than candy.
You could search the world over and be hard pressed to find any kid who, given the choice between a fig and a chocolate bar, would choose the fig. Come on! That's pushing it. Even for 1941! You couldn't even get me to accept fig newtons as real cookies when I was a kid!
poor as in cheap... or poor as in it is sub par nutritionally?
I hear tomorrow is Safety Every Day... on Sex.
Maybe chocolate bars didn't really exist back then. Or the war was taking up all the chocolate and keeping it away from the people. Power to the people!
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