Safety Every Day...On Dog Bites and Burns

Dog Bites:
If a dog bites you, do not get excited. Go to a doctor at once. Do just as he tells you. He will report the case to the board of health.
Safety and First Aid With Campfires: (This one sounds dirty to me.)
One time a boy saved a girl's life because he had been a football player and knew how to tackle. The girl went to near the fire. Her skirt caught fire. She screamed and started to run. The boy knew what to do. He ran after her, caught her, and threw her down on the ground. Then he quickly took off his coat and rolled her in it. The fire in her dress was smothered out.
If the skin is burned, the best first aid is to apply clean gauze or a freshly ironed handkerchief wet with baking soda and water.
Do not dare to put a wrinkled handkerchief on the burn. And don't worry about if it is clean or not. Just make sure it is wrinkle free. Handsome Pete, I hear you are good with an iron. Can you help out? ;o)
Well the little potato princess just made me smile!
Yes for all your wrinkled hankie needs please send them to me, HP and I'll make sure they have that professional cleaner look!
I think that while we're on the subject of biting, maybe we can discuss bug bites as well as the pros and cons of June bugs.
What do you do if your bit by a flaming dog and you also catch fire?
Do you ask the doctor what to do about your flaming clothes and dog bite?
Or do you get all excited and put out the fire?
Geez, not only is a dog bite bad enough, having to worry about ados sexuality; whether or not the dog is a flamer or gay just compounds matters.
Remember kiddies, put condoms on your hot dogs!
(ados = a dogs)
Solid pure gold.
Keep'em coming Trish.
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