Safety Every Day...On Eye Care

Have you ever had pinkeye? Pinkeye is an eye disease caused by a germ. Pinkeye is a catching disease. Germs may get into your eyes if you rub your eyes with your fingers or with an unclean handkerchief or towel. Think of all the things you touch with your hands. You cannot see the germ which may be on the doorknob you turn, the desk you open or close, or the hand you shake. To be on the safe side, never rub your eyes with your fingers.
It is a good habit to put a clean handkerchief in your pocket every day. It is often dangerous to use a towel that has been used by other people. The persons who used the towel may have left germs on it. Use only your own clean towel and washcloth.
It all comes down to the handkerchief...does it only have to be ironed for burn treatment?
I hear it's also a bad idea to lick someone's eyeball when they have pink eye!
Jennie has pink eye? OH MY GOD. She had germs today at work.
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