Safety First...On Colds

Use your own paper handkerchief. Place the used paper handkerchiefs in a paper bags so that they can be burned later. Please note (Handsome Pete, this means even you!): This appears to be an exception to the ironed handkerchief rule.
If there is someone in your house who has a catching disease, you can protect others from catching the disease if you will stay in your own house and away from other people. Be as cheerful about it as you can. Remember that you are helping to protect yourself and your friends from getting the sickness.
I guess the moral of this story is that no one likes the whiny sick person. I guess I am totally out of luck, bc one of my favourite things to do when I am sick is to moan "poor me!" ad nauseum. ;o)
When we keep our houses too hot, we take cold too easily.
There must be no flies in the sickroom, for they carry germs on their feet. Those darn flies! Help the Board of Health and kill them all. Kill! Kill! Kill!
When you see the word health, you often see the word happiness. The two words seem to belong together. Health helps everyone to be happy. Awwww...
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