u The Main Dish: Dear Dish on Bodily Functions

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dear Dish on Bodily Functions

Dear Dish:

What do you think about the movie
The Shining? I think it's a masterpiece. More importantly, is there anything wrong with passing gas in front of people you are comfortable with?


Dear Anonymous:

Clearly The Shining is just as its tagline suggests —a masterpiece of modern horror. It has all the elements of a good horror film: an isolated locale, a chauvinistic tortured writer, a creepy child (“redrum, redrum”). Also not to be overlooked is the Simpsons version of this movie, The Shinning. “No beer and no tv make Homer something something.” Both of these come highly recommended by Dish.

As for your question regarding bodily functions, just because you are comfortable, does not mean that the other person is. And really, who is this about? You? That’s kind of selfish don’t you think? Perhaps the best thing to do is to ask the other person how they feel about it. Or, better yet, assume it makes them uncomfortable and restrain yourself. You will never regret being too polite in matters such as these; however, an assumed level of comfort could result in an embarrassing situation for both parties.

Good luck.



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