u The Main Dish: Possible Advantage to Obesity

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Possible Advantage to Obesity

Ok. I realize that my efforts to keep my blog up to date have been more than a little half-arsed; however, I take only half the blame as there has been a shortage of Dear Dish letters lately. ;o)

I am not going to write a long post to try to make up for my lameness, but I am going to provide a funny link. Who can resist a headline like "XL Underwear Smothers Fire"?!


At February 11, 2008 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dish,
I cannot convey to you my sheer delight when I happened upon your effervescently entertaining blog in the gargantuan place they call the World Wide Web! Why, your fresh and witty perspective on modern-day society's ills is precisely what we all need more of. Chapeaux to you, Dish, chapeaux, as the French say. And so, I pose to you Dish, a most wise and omnipowerful source of blog knowledge, a dreadful question that has been lingering with me for many moons...What oh what is one to do when the very thought of going to one's workplace five days a week makes one want to retch until one's throat is scratchy and raw or, to be more precise, when stepping off the elevator every morning to face the mind-numbingly dreary innards of one's solitary cube make one wish one was on permanent sick leave?


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