u The Main Dish: Dear Dish on Batman

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dear Dish on Batman

Dear Dish:

There was an argument the other night that if you were a fan of the Batman, then you most assuredly could not have a large unit between your legs. Is that possible?

A Batfan

Dear Batfan:

Dish does not feel that there is any reason to feel ashamed of being a Batfan. Anyone who would issue such a derogatory statement about fans of her favourite superhero clearly has self-esteem issues and deserves our pity.

To answer your question, there is no direct correlation between being a Batfan and your "unit". Perhaps, the person who made this statement has a "unit" that doesn’t quite cut it and feels inadequate because he could never fill out a latex suit like Batman can. Often people try to draw attention away from their own flaws by pointing them out in others.

This person's outrageous statement may also just be a reflection of their own lack of ability to form educated opinions. Such a simple and sweeping generalization could just be an attempt to cover up the fact that he just isn’t smart enough to back up his dislike of a superhero with rational, well-researched arguments.

Of course the above response applies only if the person who made the statement was male, which was not specified in your letter. If the person was female, Dish suspects that this person may be lashing out at others because of frustration in the bedroom. Perhaps her significant other's claim to fame is his love of Batman and maybe, just maybe, his "unit" was not all she had hoped and dreamed. In her disappointment, she equated the two and is now spreading false rumours.

Either way, Batman is the superhero of all superheros and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. Now, stop with the slander already.



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