Ok. So last night I went to bed, oh, about 11 p.m. I was all cozy under the blankets, potentially half asleep when I could have sworn that I felt someone sit down on the edge of my bed. Since I live alone and had no visitors, this was very disturbing. I convinced myself that I was just half asleep and tried to go back to sleep. The next time, I was not half asleep. It was only a few minutes later. I felt the end of the bed sag as though someone were sitting down on it. This time I actually got out of bed (or leaped but who is really keeping track), turned on all the lights and looked through the whole room (under the bed and in closets, even out the window to check the balcony). Nothing. I was so creeped out. It then actually happened again a third time, at which point I just put the blankets over my head and tried to accept the fact that I am stark raving mad. I mean I know that I have a tendency to have crazy dreams that feel real and to do crazy things in my sleep as a result, but this time I was completely awake. Is this the defining moment where I begin my descent from ranting feminist to complete lunatic? HELP!
Cousin to the rescue! You are not, crazy, nor are you descending into madness. My bed is the same as yours, and sometimes the springs in the frame and mattress will settle and when it happens, it feels like the mattress is moving or someone is sitting on the bed. So be re-assured my cousin, so not crazy.. although, it may be your spirit guide reaching out to you...
Oh thank you cousin! I feel very much relieved. Now at least my madness will not put a damper on our cousins trip to an as of yet undetermined location!
oh thank you. That is extremely reassuring. Now when I go to bed I am going to be hearing the Jason coming through the wood music and imagining a po'd goalie in my bedroom. :o(
Cousin to the rescue! You are not, crazy, nor are you descending into madness. My bed is the same as yours, and sometimes the springs in the frame and mattress will settle and when it happens, it feels like the mattress is moving or someone is sitting on the bed. So be re-assured my cousin, so not crazy.. although, it may be your spirit guide reaching out to you...
Oh thank you cousin! I feel very much relieved. Now at least my madness will not put a damper on our cousins trip to an as of yet undetermined location!
Maybe the zombies (or worse!) in the basement have finally made their descent up from the basement. God forbid this is actually the case however.
oh thank you. That is extremely reassuring. Now when I go to bed I am going to be hearing the Jason coming through the wood music and imagining a po'd goalie in my bedroom. :o(
I like how your cousin made up the worst excuse ever for the situation and you fell for it.
you guys are meanie pantses!
She is revealing a very frightening experiences and you guys make fun.Shame on the both of you! TUT TUT TUT
Ferda, you are so sweet to stick up for me! :o)
ok Joe you're off the hook! But Palmer is still a meanie pants!!!!
Trish you can count on me to have your back ;)
Loonie bin is calling!!
For the both of them!
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