u The Main Dish: People Are Strange

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Monday, February 13, 2006

People Are Strange

Two random incidents last week worthy of note:

1. Was at Hartman's shopping for groceries. Anyone who has every been grocery shopping with me before knows that I somehow have a tremendous amount of trouble getting those stupid plastic bags for produce open. Perhaps it is a lack of coordination, perhaps I am really one of the x-men and my fingers give off static electricity. Who knows. Anyway, there I am, minding my own business, trying to get a plastic bag open so I can fill it up with green peppers or some such thing, when some guy walks up to me and literally grabs the bag out of my hands. I look at him in confusion. He opens the bag and then says "Sorry, I just couldn't watch you do that any more." I mean ok. Thanks for the help buddy, but you don't have to be grabby. You could say, "Let me help you with that." So sorry if my incompetence drove you to the brink of insanity. Sheesh.

2. Was driving around down Hunt Club (I think..somewhere in that vicinity anyway) on Saturday afternoon. Happened to glance in my rearview mirror and noticed something strange hanging off the rearview mirror of the car behind me. Is that women's underwear? The guy driving pulls up beside me at the next intersection and indeed it is women's thong underwear hanging from his rearview mirror. What the heck? What could possibly be the reasoning behind that one? The possibilities:

  • He recently got it on and took the underwear as proof.
  • A girl put them there to mark her territory.
  • He isn't getting it on with anyone but wants people to think he is.
  • He is trying to prove his male stallionship.
  • He recently got it on in the car and the girl forgot her underwear and he put it there so he wouldn't forget to give it back.
  • He ran out of room on his drying rack at home and figured the rearview mirror was the next best solution to his laundry quandry.

Anyone have any other ideas? Regardless, I have to say I found it rather tasteless. And, in my opinion, if you are going to hang underwear from your rearview mirror, I have to say that I feel like you should drive a better car than a Cavalier. I used to drive a Cavalier and although it gets you around, it ain't doin nothin for your coolness quota. In summary, if underwear has to absolutely be hung from any rearview mirror, it should only be permitted in cars that at least cost more than the $12, 000.


At February 14, 2006 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, have had problems with the produce bags. I, too, have caused a boy to grab the bag out of my hands to open it for me. I have found the secret to getting past this embarassment. Lick your thumb and forefinger, then open the bag. Works every time. (Elmira's helpful tip for the day)

At February 14, 2006 9:21 AM, Blogger Palmer said...

Would you rather have a bra hanging from the mirror, or are you appalled at all forms of undergarments hanging from it?

I think it's cool.

At February 14, 2006 9:26 AM, Blogger Dish said...

I was in the midst of using the helpful tip of the day when it happened! It still wasn't working!

I think it is trying too hard. A think a sock would be more appropriate.

At February 14, 2006 10:04 AM, Blogger Ferda said...

He isn't getting it on with anyone but wants people to think he is.

that's what I think!

At February 14, 2006 1:57 PM, Blogger James said...


At February 14, 2006 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish the Dish! I love your blog! It rocks! You make me laugh all the time! Classic!
"Spankypants" from mirror, how tacky!

At February 14, 2006 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darn. Thought I was being all helpful.

I wish I could say I was surprised that someone hung a thong from their rearview mirror...but I'm just not. Boys are weird. It all comes back to that. :)

At May 03, 2020 10:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I gal I'm seeing recently hung her underwear from my mirror, which is what lead me to this thread. I want to know what she meant by it, and if I'm supposed to keep it up there. lol


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