u The Main Dish: Brown Baggin It

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Brown Baggin It

Well, I have to say that this new work environment is taking some getting used to. Gone are the days when I never had to worry about bringing my lunch. Why bother being organized and bringing food when Place du Centre was a hop, skip and a jump away? No more deli fries for me. These days it is all about the "brown bag" lunch. I remember as a kid, once I had outgrown my Smurf lunchbox, or succumbed to the peer pressure that told me I had outgrown my Smurf lunchbox (where are you now my treasured Smurf lunchbox???), I brought my lunch to school in a brown paper bag. What started that phenomenon? Why brown paper? These days everyone has fancy lunch bags that keep their food insulated. Or, they do like me and I bring thier lunch in a Towers bag - plastic is less messy than paper for spills and whatnot. I tried a quick google search on this, but nothing. Is this a mystery not even trusty google can solve?!

Also gone are the days when my lunchtimes were filled with talk of iPods and Star Wars. With a group of all female co-workers these are not exactly the number one topics. These days the standard conversation includes discussion of what to name my pregnant co-worker's baby. Apparently, her husband is leaning toward Thor, but needless to say, she is not on board with that one.

There have been some interesting lunch time topics that I am not sure the gang at Phase IV ever touched on. One day last week everyone was trying to gross everyone out with tales of gory accidents that happened to them or to people they know, many of them involving the breaking of bones or cutting off of fingers and the like. I got to regale them all with the story of how I once hole-punched my finger with an industrial-sized hole punch and was lacking a fingerprint for a good year or more till it healed properly. This got some definite gasps and looks of horror. I was quite pleased with the effect.

There was also an interesting conversation where I learned that in Windsor they throw coins at the rippers (I know you are supposed to learn something new every day, but do you think information like this actually counts or is it supposed to be something quasi-useful or intelligent that you learn?). Sounds like a workplace health and safety issue to me. Is nothing safe any more? Sheesh. Ok. ok. I won't take that one any further. I'll let it go there. :o)

As a side note: Special thanks to Ryan and VĂ©ro for broadening my culinary horizens and feeding me moose meat this weekend. Dinner was great guys!


At March 07, 2006 9:27 AM, Blogger Palmer said...

Hey you can throw coins at any gentlemen's club...sometimes it's frowned upon, but it's been done in every establishment that I...I mean Joe has been to. He told me. Uh huh.

THOR! That is awesome.

At March 07, 2006 10:31 AM, Blogger Ferda said...

that is just wrong!

At March 07, 2006 1:39 PM, Blogger iBenoit said...

trich: I think you should bring back the Smurf lunchbox. I'm sure it would go a long way in establishing your... ahemmm... originality with your new co-workers.

At March 07, 2006 1:41 PM, Blogger James said...

I'm all about Loblaws and Wal-Mart bags. We seem to have a never-ending supply of plastic grocery bags at home in the bottom drawer.

At March 07, 2006 2:25 PM, Blogger Palmer said...

What's wrong with coin tossing? They try and catch them?

At March 07, 2006 5:33 PM, Blogger Dish said...

I am going to throw pennies at Palmer next time he comes over for movie nite, if that ever happens again (hint hint).

Artoo, I would bring back the Smurf lunchbox in a heartbeat if I had it. Alas, it is long gone. I have done nothing to decorate my cube yet. I am not sure the co-workers coudl handle the shock. The Wham! album may have to sit at home for awhile.. :o)

At March 08, 2006 10:03 AM, Blogger Palmer said...

I like how Joe is all nice-guy on this one. ;-)

At March 08, 2006 1:54 PM, Blogger Palmer said...

Depends on how many coins they were tossing.

A few pennies, not so much.

100 Twoonies per day? Throw away!


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