u The Main Dish: More Reasons For Tangled Hair

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

More Reasons For Tangled Hair

This weekend I got to go for a test drive in the new Saturn Sky. Granted, the weather was not the best for driving about in a convertible, but at least there was no rain coming down. At some points in this test drive I actually felt like perhaps I was going to get my chance to go on carrousel and be renewed after all. The driver of said vehicle shall remain nameless to protect the not-so-innocent. There was, however, the squealing of tires and the smell of burning rubber on more than one occasion.

Anyway, my overall opinion it that this is a fun little convertible, although it is not really built for those who are large in structure and need a lot of leg room. A cheaper mid-life crisis alternative than some of the other more expensive sports cars for those who are on a budget or whose wives would not approve of big spending, this car still turns quite a few heads...or maybe heads were just turning because we were driving around in a convertible when it was freezing and looked like torrential rain could come bursting out of the clouds at any moment.

In other weekend news, my phone went completely wonky and was relatively useless. A big thank you to Whore Mart for providing me with a new one, which has the absolute most annoying, grating and loud ring tone known to man. I think if I leave the ringer on, I could very quickly have all dogs within a 5 km radius howling. Probably, most of my neighbours would also soon be out buying high-powered rifles to take out either me or the phone at the very least. Oh well, I suppose a girl can't really ask too much from a $10 phone. Ringer = Off.

And on that note..Trish also = Off. Time for bed.


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