u The Main Dish: Wyld Stallyans Rule!

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Monday, May 01, 2006

Wyld Stallyans Rule!

Have you ever had the experience where you loved a movie or show when you were a kid and then you go back and watch it again and it just ruins it? Well, the revistation of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure this weekend was definitely NOT one of those moment. This movie remains a tried and true classic. And really, it is like the part was written especially for Keanu Reeves. Definitely his most genius piece of work. Was he acting or not? It's for you to decide.

Synopsis for anyone who has not seen this fabulous film: Bill and Ted are in danger of failing history. If that were to happen, Ted woudl be shipped off to military school and thus Wyld Stallyans, their band and the basis for a future society, would be in danger of being disbanded. Rufus, a guy from the futuristic Wyld Stallyan society gives Bill and Ted a time machine to help them pass history.

So many classic moments in this movie.

The scene where Bill and Ted are wearing suits of armour and comment, "hey, heavy metal!" Or, when the evil duke orders that they be put in the iron maiden. Ted: Iron Maiden? Bill: Excellent! And of course we cannot ignore the fact that any time they air guitar fabulous music results. Or, when they meet So-crates and Bill tells Ted to philosophize with him and Ted says, "all we are is dust in the wind." Or when Socrates says that the only true wisdom consists of knowing you know nothing and Ted chimes in and says "that's us, dude!"

Really, there are just too many great moments in this movie to name them all. I strongly suggest you rewatch this film. A definite five out of five cookies. This film was most triumphant.


At May 02, 2006 9:33 AM, Blogger Palmer said...

I heart Bill and Ted Theodore Logan.


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