Prices at the Pump

Ok. Back to the original topic...It was about 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday night and I figured that most of the gas stations on Carling would be pretty much deserted. Some of them are not even open that late. Boy, was I wrong. I headed to the Shell on the corner of Carling and Churchhill. There were cars lined up down the street! It was total madness. I figured this had to just be a fluke and went a little further out to the Esso. Same freaking thing!
I couldn't believe it! The reason? Gas prices were at the low low price of 83.9. Now, I am someone who really pays no attention to such things. I fill up when I need to. The most attention I give this situation is that I avoid filling up on weeekends as the price tends to be higher than during the week. I'm just not one of these people who monitors the prices every second. I have friends who don't even have a driver's license (you both know who you are) who pay more attention to this than I do.
My question is how did everyone know that the price had dropped so drastically. Is there some special email alert system? Were these all just people who happened to be driving by? Also, how do the gas stations in Gatineau ever make any money. Gas prices there have been hovering around 100.something or other. Do they all just drive over to Ottawa to save money? How does this all work?
My other question is what ever happened to the good old days when the little gas man came out to your car and filled it up for you so you didn't even have to get out of the car? I suppose I am spoiled in that I never even paid for or put gas in a car (self- or full-serve) until I was about 25 years old (thanks Daddy!). And, I think I was 27 or 28 before I learned to use the self-serve (thanks Trent!). It was a very stresful experience for me and I think I only learned bc there is a distinct shortage of full-serve here in the big city and I had to learn to fit in. Still, I long for the good old days of being waited on. I miss you little gas man!
Am I one of the two without a driver's license? I monitor gas prices but I don't remember telling you that.
how come the gas man is little? - kept up to date 24/7 (based on user participation) so i'm sure that's one way people know where to go.
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