u The Main Dish: Fatal Attraction

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Fatal Attraction

This evening I did something quite out of the ordinary for me and went to a museum. Right now, the Museum of Nature has an exhibit called Fatal Attraction, which takes a look at the "language of love" in the animal kingdom. They actually include human behaviour in the presentation, but don't worry, as it says on the web site, it is "tastefully" done.

Today we will go with the theory that every experience in life has a valuable lesson to teach. Here are some of the key take-home messages from Fatal Attraction:

* Please note that these are direct quotes from the signs in the exhibit. Emphasis added by me.

1) All over the world, individuals in every animal species must do what it takes to attract a mate.

2) To attract and charm can be a risky business. Imposters are never far away either. You will lose to the clever imitators. Fortunately, that doesn't happen too often.

3) Arranging a secret tryst has never been so difficult - nor so fraught with danger.

4) Trying to attract a mate by some form of signal is a dangerous business with so many potential predators and rivals afoot. Observe how to deal with the compromise between attractiveness and conspicuousness.

I have to say, practical and helpful tips aside, one of the funniest moments of this excursion came when finding out how an ostrich attracts a mate. There was an educational video depicting the male ostrich doing an elaborate dance to get the attention of the female. As Jennie and I are watching the video, some random French man proceeds to round up everyone else in the room to come and watch it stating how fabulous it is. He then does a narration of the video, including soundtrack and various other sound effects. Tonight, the male ostrich was lucky enough to get to do his dance to the Doors, "Light my Fire". Also, his summary comment "not much foreplay there." Too funny.

I love people who have something funny to say and are not concerned with manners and niceties and instead shout it out to the world, so we can all laugh at them...er...along with them! :o)


At June 16, 2006 5:20 PM, Blogger Dish said...

I love to bake and I love to rant. If that draws in hot men, so be it. I wouldn't exactly go so far to say that it is a mating ritual. eesh.

At June 16, 2006 5:21 PM, Blogger Dish said...

In passing, a thought on museums in general from our good friend Homer. This is his response when Lisa asks him to take her to the museum: Good things don't end in "eum", they end in "mania" or "teria"

At June 17, 2006 1:05 AM, Blogger Amiene Rev said...

i am glad i am a human.

i heard that black widows and scorpions love story... they need to sacrifice one of them...

At June 17, 2006 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Homer. Is there nothing he doesn't know?

Don't forget the praying mantis! The female cuts off the male's head after sex.


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