u The Main Dish: Chez le Dentiste

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Chez le Dentiste

So, after living in Ottawa for many moons, I have finally found a new dentist. I went in for my initial meet the dentist appointment the other day and I have to say I was quite impressed. He works in that medical health building on O'Connor, so it's close to home and he was very friendly and funny. Hey, if you have to go through the pains of a dentristry, you may as well do it with someone who can make you laugh.

While he and I were discussing my crooked teeth and the possibility of braces, I was informed that my teeth are apparently crowded the same way Jackie O's are. Well, if you have to have a fatal flaw, I guess you may as well have the same one as a celebrity.

This led me to google pictures of Jackie O to try to see what her teeth look like, but it seems that she mostly got her picture taken with her mouth closed. Perhaps she was also self-concious about her "crowded" teeth. Although I did read that she had braces as a kid, so I am not sure why her teeth were still crowded when she got older. I guess braces may not have been as effective in those days. In the only pictures I found of her that showed her teeth, she actually looks a bit scary looking. What does this all mean?

The answer to that question is "I don't know" and, frankly, I am too tired to try to make connections of any sort.


At July 12, 2006 12:53 PM, Blogger Ferda said...

don't worrY Trish you're not scary looking but then I am a brave girl. Except for when it comes to butterflies - they freak me out!!!!

At July 12, 2006 5:52 PM, Blogger Dish said...

I thought "no one every suspects the butterfly"! ;o)

At July 12, 2006 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe the braces worked when she was little but when her wisdom teeth came in, that screwed them up again. i've heard of it happening.

At July 12, 2006 10:23 PM, Blogger Sister Merry Kerry said...

Girl, you work that dental plan.

Dental plan!
Lisa needs braces!
Dental plan!


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