u The Main Dish: Air Canada Rage Update

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Air Canada Rage Update

Ok. So the day after I posted the rage about Air Canada, I tried to about my damaged luggage. All I got was a recording telling me to take my bag to the nearest Air Canada baggage department and then dead air. The regular line for lost luggage was busy for ages because of all the happenings in London, etc.

In an attempt to get through to any sort of a live person, I then called the reservations line. Please note how the general customer service number is conveniently not listed ANYWHERE on the Air Canada web site. I got through to some guy named Matt and asked him if he could put me through to someone in customer service. He said that it wouldn't be necessary and that he could help me. When he asked me what the problem was, I replied "your luggage delivery person called me a b*tch." He gasped in shock and then suprise, suprise, forwarded my call directly to the "customer solutions" department so he wouldn't have to deal with me.

There, I spoke with some guy named Ryan and told the story again. He then proceeded to tell me that there was nothing he could do for me because "customer solutions" is separate from the baggage department. Some solution that was! He also told me that he could not put me in direct contact with a customer service agent from the baggage department and that I would have to e-mail or fax my complaint to Air Canada.

Given my rage and disgust, I talked to my trusty "scene-causing" friend. I was hoping he would come to the airport with me and pitch a fit, since I really hate doing stuff like that, but he always seems to revel in it. He encouraged (and/or taunted) me into going down to the airport and speaking with someone in person. I figured I had to take my bag down for inspection anyway, so off I went.

Armed with the advice, "don't leave the airport until you get free stuff or are escorted out by security" and with my now destroyed luggage, I headed over to the lost baggage counter. I told the story yet again to the guy at the counter. He said that they would send my suitcase to Montreal for "repair or replacement". All I can say is that it better be replacement, because if I get my suitcase back with thousands of shards of plastic glued back together, I will not be impressed.

Anyway, he then got me to tell the story AGAIN to another guy working behind the counter who wrote it all down and said a few things about how it was unacceptable, etc. The manager wasn't it, but he was going to call me the very next day about this "incident".

Needless, to say, I did not get any phone calls from Air Canada the next day, or the day after that, etc. Then, today, just as I was vowing to alter my letter to incorporate the new rage, the manager in the luggage department calls me. I had to tell the story AGAIN. Then, he basically told me that Air Canada does not deliver the bags but they get some other shipping-type company to do it (which I knew already). He apologized (this situation is unacceptable, etc etc.), got a description of the evil delivery boy, and said he woudl call me back after he had spoken with someone from the delivery company. He called back a few minutes later telling me that the delivery company was terribly sorry (same lines, etc) and that someone from there would be contacting me because they "wanted to make it right." I have still not heard from them.

Really, it was most inconvenient because he called me at work. Since I work in such a quiet work environment, it was difficult for me to say anything, rage, insist on getting free stuff. I didn't even really want to tell him the story of what happened because it is so quiet that everyone can hear your conversations.

Anyway, that is the latest. I wait with bated breath to find out how this delivery company is going to "make it right". Probably their delivery boy will come burn my house down out of bitterness or something. I will keep you posted.


At August 23, 2006 12:24 PM, Blogger Rienne said...

I laugh because I can see you shaking your fist.

Pauvre Trish.

At August 24, 2006 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh no! please don't tell any more bad airlline stories. our entire family is cursed with bad airline luick (remember my infamous christmas in bangor incident?) and i am flying home in a week and a half! eeek!

At August 24, 2006 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way, "anonymous" was me, jeannine. i can't figure out how to get an identity, and i don't want to sign up :)


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