u The Main Dish: Can Anyone Be Truly Good?

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Can Anyone Be Truly Good?

This weekend I watched the movie Millions. Too cute. Fox Searchlight Pictures offers the following description: "Starting anew after the death of their mother, 9-year-old Anthony is ever practical, while his 7-year-old brother Damian uses imagination, fantasy and faith to make sense of his confusing world. When a suitcase full of money falls out of the sky at Damian's feet, it sets them on the adventure of a lifetime that leads them to the realization that true wealth has nothing to do with money."

The thing I liked best about this movie was when Damian gets all the money, he is doing his best to give it to people in need. There are Mormon missionaries living in his neighbourhood and he anonymously leaves them piles of money by pushing it through their mail slot. Later, when the police are investigating, they go to the missionaries' home and ask them about all of their new purchases, which include a foot spa and dishwasher. The missionaries tell them that someone left them the money and that they thought it was in answer to their prayers. The police officer asks them if they prayed specifically for a foot bath and one of the missionaries responds that no, they did not, but that they prayed for comfort and encouragement and now that they had the foot spa, they felt comforted and encouraged. Too funny. Or maybe it is just funnier to me because it is poking fun at my religion.

Anyway, the point is that this was a great movie. I give it 4.5 out of 5 cookies. You should definitely see it!

Song of the Moment: Rose Coloured Glasses by Blue Rodeo


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