u The Main Dish: No More Maka Feke!

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Monday, April 03, 2006

No More Maka Feke!

Ok. So after a Saturday that involved scones made with delicious cream (thank you Jennie!), KFC and Dominos cheesy bread, I have decided that it is definitely time to abandon my slothful ways and get my butt back into shape.

My friend Caroline has decided that we should train for a 10k run at the end of May. Since she is much more devoted than I am and has been going to the gym all winter, I can actually see her making it. She is also much more of a positive thinker, as she has already signed up for the race and is now looking ahead to her next goal of a triathalon - I think my heart palpitations will keep me out of that one. (Thank you Wolffe-Parkinson-White Syndrome!)

Anyway, regardless of whether the goal is 10k or just getting back in shape, I have a lot of work to do. Why couldn't I just be one of those people that just naturally enjoys sports and who likes eating healthy food? Why can't chocolate cake have the nutritional value of broccoli? WHY?!!

In other news, the evil black rat squirrels are back with a vengeance from wherever they were hiding this winter. There were a few around, but the numbers are definitely starting to increase. Today, when I was out walking there was one sitting near my apartment building eating a french fry (looked to be from MacDonald's). This is disturbing on so many levels. It takes a lot of nerve to be sitting on a step eating French fries and staring people down with beady little eyes. Second, see how MacDonald's has permeated our culture. How am I supposed to be able to resist it when it is half a block away and EVERYONE is eating it. Even the dirty rat squirrels can't stay away from the greasy goodness that is rotten ronnie's. Sheesh.

It is time to eliminate the low hanging fruit, the maka feke if you will. The current maka feke is chocolate mint ice cream Caroline left in my freezer. She wouldn't take it home because she knew she would eat it, so she left it here and last nite I ate my body weight in it. The problem is that if I know it is there, I can't not eat it. Even now, I am thinking ice cream... mmm...ice cream. Ok. Enough of this. Gotta go. Ice cream calls and I must listen. Resolve to do better starting tomorrow!


At April 03, 2006 11:12 PM, Blogger Sister Merry Kerry said...

Patricia, you were wise to skip the marathon. There's no need to be a martyr and sacrifice life and limb.

I too dislike the horrid ugly squirrels, which are the size of rats. Having just read your blog, I now dislike them even more.


At April 03, 2006 11:14 PM, Blogger Sister Merry Kerry said...

Holy cow!

What's with this blog owner approval??? This seriously disrupts the instant gratification of seeing my irrelevant comments on your blog!!!!

I feel like cursing a blue streak right now. You're from Atlantic Canada, can ya help me out???

At April 04, 2006 10:01 AM, Blogger Palmer said...

Your friend Caroline has the right idea. Just don't bring junk food into the house so you're forced to eat the good stuff. That's what I do.

Granted, I bought cookies the other day while grocery shopping, but hey, they're cookies!

Anyhow...do yourself a favour and don't buy any junk food for the house!

Also...move away from convenience. McDonald's, Macs, whatever. You're smack dab in the middle of convenience so it's easy for you to forget about supper. Come live out in Orleans where you need to dogsled for 10 KM to get some milk.

Also...I like how you have comment moderation on for the anti-feminists. ;-) Ha ha.

At April 04, 2006 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Bridget Jones!

You might as well eat teh entire box of ice cream that way it won't be there to tempt you later. That's my theory, if i eat all the candy now, it won't be there later to tempt me.

At April 05, 2006 10:00 AM, Blogger Ferda said...

good luck on that 10K!

At April 05, 2006 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anything Trish, you make my day cause I laugh my ass off when I read your blogs! I knew you were my friend for a reason! Ha Ha! You Rock!

At April 06, 2006 10:26 AM, Blogger Ferda said...

wow talk about a random comment!


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