u The Main Dish: Random Coincidences, Grosse Incompetence and Other Tales

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Random Coincidences, Grosse Incompetence and Other Tales

Ok. So I've been a little slack about updating my blog. After a number of complaints, I am taking some initiative and doing something about it. Enough with the nasty emails already!

What's new with me? Well, as most of you know, my parents were in town last visiting last week from the fair isle of Prince Edward. My beloved Papa was nice enough to get me Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher's Guide, Volume 2, which he picked up at a used book sale at the library back home. What is really cool about the whole thing is that when he got it home, my mom was looking at it and inside is a bookmark - one of those ones with the person's name and the description of what the name means. The name on this bookmark - Patricia. It's like the book was meant to be mine! Too cool. By the way, apparently people named Patricia have beautiful eyes, soft like the moonlight of spring. I also have a special glamour and power all my own, so watch out!

Other bits of info...last week my shower head exploded in my hand. Got into the shower bright and early in the a.m. Joe was staying for the week since he was on course just around the corner. He is taller than me and so he tilts the showerhead up. So, when I get into the shower the water is shooting straight into my face. I reached up to tilt it back into position and what happens? The whole thing falls apart in my hand. This means a huge and violent jet of water is shooting at me with a force so hard I am surprised it didn't leave bruises. The shower head did not just come unscrewed, it was actually cracked and broken so even when I tried to put it back on, water started shooting in random directions all over the bathroom. Meanwhile, I had already called the superintendant multiple times about the fact that the bathtub not draining properly, so while all this is going on, I am shin-deep in water. I was none too impressed. Much crankiness ensued. However, now, after much annoyance and harassment, I am the proud owner of a shiny new showerhead with adjustable settings!

In other news, I did my first evening babysitting stint on Saturday night. My sister Johanna and her husband Steve were heading out to a party at one of Johanna's co-worker's place. Baby Samuel was still awake when I arrived so that he could see that I was there and not get too much of a shock if he woke up while they were gone. Johanna assured me that he has never really woken up before other times when she went out and the baby was home alone with Steve. Sounded like everything was going to be as easy as pie since Sam is usually very happy to see me anyway. I was not worried in the least. Perhaps I was overconfident. About 15 minutes after Johanna and Steve left, the baby woke up. He was quiet for a few minutes and then basically started to howl and cry and continued to do so off and on for the next two hours or so. He could not be comforted. He didn't want anything to eat. None of the usual cheer tactics worked. In the end, I accepted my failure and called my sister. The minute he heard her voice on the phone, he calmed down. Shortly after that, he fell asleep in my arms and was sound asleep in the crib when his parents arrived home. Normally, although he is the cutest baby alive, he is a bit of a trouble maker. I suspect he planned this whole thing to make me seem incompetent.

Another random occurrence - the party Johanna and Steve were going to was in Barrhaven. I only know two people who live in Barrhaven, well more than two people but two residences. Ferda and James and Joe's brother Ivo and his family. By random coincidence they live on the same street. By further random coincidence, Johanna's coworker also lives on the same street. This leads me to wonder, is there only one street in Barrhaven? It just seems totally bizzarre.

Anyway, hopefully this is enough to satisfy the complainers out there temporarily. Bedtime is approaching and I must rest my eyes, which did I mention are soft as the moonlight of spring, before another day of staring at the computer for exactly 7.5 well-documented hours. Bonne nuit!


At March 29, 2006 9:19 AM, Blogger Palmer said...

Whoa, that Barrhaven thing is weird.

At March 29, 2006 11:55 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Ah yes, I bet that baby stayed up all night planning and plotting the best way to make you look incompetent... it's the babies fault. He out-smarted you.

At March 29, 2006 1:25 PM, Blogger iBenoit said...

I can see it now, first it was Toronto that thought it was the center of the universe, now it's going to be folks from Barrhaven.

At March 30, 2006 11:48 AM, Blogger Ferda said...

sweet coincidence about the bookmark.

The barrhaven thing sure is odd. Joe you should do it! Get a place on Whetstone!

At March 30, 2006 5:21 PM, Blogger Dish said...

They actually do that in parts of Ottawa, but I have never lived on a cool enough street. :o(


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