u The Main Dish: Dear Dish on Pomegranates

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Dear Dish on Pomegranates

Dear Dish,

Did you know that pomegranates were in season? I was strutting through the local supermarket, and came across a sprawling pomegranate display as far as the eye could see! Don't kid yourself, Dish, the pomegranate lobby is something to be reckoned with. It's heavy-handed, and like the mob, comes down on anyone that toys with it.

So not wanting to ruffle any feathers, I purchased two pomegranates, and took a little pomegranate pamphlet, which gives instructions on how to peel and eat them. They said you have to eat the pomegranate seeds and all. That includes the pits. Dish, what do you think of this? I was always under the impression that you must spit the pomegranate seeds out after sucking on them. Consequently, they did not make for good public eating.

Is the Republican party-funded pomegranate lobby sacrificing my personal health to try and revitalize the public eating of pomegranates by telling impressionable youth to eat the seeds too?


A Concerned Citizen

Dear C-squared:

In fact, I did know that pomegranates were in season.

Do you always do what pamphlets tell you and give in to the pressures of the mob? The thing about pomegranates is that it is SAFE to eat the seeds. You can do so without causing harm to yourself. This does not necessarily mean you HAVE to eat the seeds. However, should you choose to eat the pomegranate without the seeds, let it be known that I frown upon this business of sucking on the seeds and then spitting them out. Frankly, it does not sound very lady-like. And bad manners are never in fashion.

I think you may also want to consider the notion that perhaps you are seeing conspiracies where none exist. Surely accusing an innocent fruit of such atrocities is a sign of deeper problems.

Remember, I’m here to help.



At November 07, 2006 12:05 PM, Blogger James said...


this was a good one.

Thanks for the laugh.

At November 07, 2006 12:56 PM, Blogger Sister Merry Kerry said...

Dear Dish,

Surely you're not supposed to discourage the slightly un-balanced?

People who find signs of conspiracies where none exist should be elevated to the level of Gods, just like in America where the weak and nerdy are admired for their computer programming ability. (If the truth be known.)

At November 07, 2006 1:31 PM, Blogger Ferda said...

pomegranate seeds = fibre

mmmmmm pomegranate... *drool*

At November 09, 2006 12:05 AM, Blogger Dish said...

I'm not discouraging the slightly unbalanced. I said I was here to help. ;o)


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