u The Main Dish: March 2007

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Monday, March 26, 2007

Dear Dish on Wiener Islands

Completely forgot to post this. So sorry for the delay.

Dear Dish,

You know what cheeses me off? Those wiener islands Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. For the unaware, these are islands in Canada off the coast of Newfoundland that belong to France. France! Honestly! Groundskeeper Willy called the French "Cheese-eatting surrender monkeys." While I'm not endorsing Groundskeeper Willy's satirical statement, I think that it's unfair that France owns islands in Canada.

While I have issues with Alaska - it's connected to the Yukon for corn sakes! - lately I've come to realize that the Americans cannot be toyed with. Consequently, I propose one of the following:

1. We launch a full-scale invasion of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon with all the submarines from the indoor marina in West Edmonton Mall. You can be the captain and I'll give you a pink pirate hat to wear.

2. France gives us two islands and several crêpes for our trouble. I suggest Hawaii be one of them. I try not to be a "PC Thug", but I wish this issue would resolve itself. France is currently harbouring 12 nautical miles of Newfoundland's precious, precious sea water territory.

What can I do?

Anti-Freedom-Fries, Yet Very Pro-Poutine

Dear Anti:

How many times do I have to tell you to hush up and eat your freedom fries!! I'll say nothing more on the topic until I recieve the pink pirate hat I was promised.

Yours truly,


I love you cause your deuces are wild...

I’ve been more than slightly slack on the blog front these days, but I would be remiss if I didn’t take a few minutes to wish a happy birthday to the singer of one of my favourite songs, Steve Tyler.

What can I say? The man is the king of the screamy sing — a quality I can’t help but love.