Dear Dish on Wiener Islands
Completely forgot to post this. So sorry for the delay.
Dear Dish,
You know what cheeses me off? Those wiener islands Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. For the unaware, these are islands in Canada off the coast of Newfoundland that belong to France. France! Honestly! Groundskeeper Willy called the French "Cheese-eatting surrender monkeys." While I'm not endorsing Groundskeeper Willy's satirical statement, I think that it's unfair that France owns islands in Canada.
While I have issues with Alaska - it's connected to the Yukon for corn sakes! - lately I've come to realize that the Americans cannot be toyed with. Consequently, I propose one of the following:
1. We launch a full-scale invasion of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon with all the submarines from the indoor marina in West Edmonton Mall. You can be the captain and I'll give you a pink pirate hat to wear.
2. France gives us two islands and several crêpes for our trouble. I suggest Hawaii be one of them. I try not to be a "PC Thug", but I wish this issue would resolve itself. France is currently harbouring 12 nautical miles of Newfoundland's precious, precious sea water territory.
What can I do?
Anti-Freedom-Fries, Yet Very Pro-Poutine
Dear Anti:
How many times do I have to tell you to hush up and eat your freedom fries!! I'll say nothing more on the topic until I recieve the pink pirate hat I was promised.
Yours truly,