u The Main Dish: Dear Dish on SAD, a popular topic these days

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dear Dish on SAD, a popular topic these days


Do you think guys feel the same way about the dreaded V-Day as single girls stereotypically do?

P.S. Any advice on what to do when flirting shamelessly with someone else's partner lands you in a less-than-friendly tête-à-tête with a mad-as-a-hornet girl or boyfriend in some back alley parking lot?


Dear Anonymous:

The stereotypical single girl looks upon Valentines Day with dread and loathing. This is because she will be forced to spend the day watching other girls get chocolates and flowers and (heaven forbid) singing telegrams (Side note: Dish is dead set against the singing telegram. It’s embarrassing for all involved.). This girl spends the day feeling humilated because she has to tell people she has no plans for Valentines Day and didn’t get any gifts.

From my experience (and one has only needs to look so far as the boys on Chez 106 to confirm this), it is the men who have a significant other who dread and loathe Valentines Day, not the other way around.

While many a single girl is just hoping to get through the day, the single man is generally oblivious to the fact that it even is Valentines Day. He doesn’t have any reason to remember. Frankly, he can barely remember when he does have a reason to remember.

On Valentines Day, despite the fact that Valentines Day paraphernalia came out in stores the day after Christmas, most married or otherwise taken men either a) fail to notice all clues indicating that this day is different from the others until they get home and realize that their lady friend was expecting an extravagant romantic gesture and they are now in the doghouse because they came home empty handed or b) panicking because they remembered at the last minute and now have to try to come up with something at the last minute that doesn’t look like they came up with it at the last minute. (Trust me boys. The girl always knows.)

Meanwhile, the single man who remembers it is Valentines Day is thanking his lucky stars that he isn’t one of the suckers who has to pay three times as much as usual for flowers that will just be dead in a few days anyway (we’ve even heard such complaints here before).

As for your potential cat-fight/brawl dilemma from shameless flirting, what can I say. Tsk tsk is what comes to mind. I would assume my faithful readers would have more sense than to let things go that far, or at least be sensible enough to not go by themselves into a back alley parking lot where someone could easily rough them up. The best thing to do is to get some menions to watch your back while you flirt shamelessly. If you are a boy, be smart about things. Don’t flirt with anyone who has a boyfriend bigger than you are. And whatever you do, for heaven’s sake, don’t go making any crazy comments about Batman and the size of people’s units.

Best of luck. Let me know how it all turns out.


At February 14, 2008 8:40 AM, Blogger Matt said...

I interpreted going to the back alley with a boy as a ... not getting beat up type thing.

At February 14, 2008 9:44 AM, Blogger Dish said...

It did say you are in the parking lot with a mad-as-a-hornet girl or boyfriend. However, if you are trying to decide whether or not to have a secret rendez-vous in the back parking lot with someone else's significant other, that's your own ethical dilemma.


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