Or he may as well go for a soda. Ok people. You asked for it, so here it is. Recognize this guy? His house had the biggest patio. He likes to call this hairdo hockey hair, but since he never played hockey, there is no way to escape that it was just a plain old mullet. An 80s mullet in all its glory. Also, please notice the rockin Kim Mitchell t-shirt (if the gratuitous use of Kim Mitchell song lyrics didn't already tip you off). Please note that I will not be held responsible for any taunting or mockery resulting from this post. Let the comments begin!
It's a line from Patio Lanterns: Our house had the biggest patio, our house had all the summer shade. We had patio lanterns. I'd spend half the night making lemonade. Now that is deep! Although, after the à la Kip comment, I am wondering if I should have tried to incorporate "I love technology" into the post too. Too bad I was too slow on the uptake. :o)
I agree Trish the dish! That is a mullet if I ever saw one! Hockey hair my A$$. You have to played it to have it! HA HA! GOSH! Points for JOE: Well, you have a sweet bike. And you're really good at hooking up with chicks. Plus you're like the only guy at school who has a mustache. (peachfuzz that is) Ha Ha!
Joe, there is no way you are goign to convince me that you have rocker hair in that picture. And if you are in any way implying that Jon Bon had a mullet, I must insist that you TAKE IT BACK!!! JBJ was the cooler than school and his hair was rocker. There is no way he was sporting a mullet. Spiral perm? Maybe. Mullet. Definitely not. :o)
When you say his house had the biggest patio, do you mean he had big patio lanterns?
you forgot to bring attention to peach fuzz mustache a la Kip from Napoleon Dynamite. That's hot!
It's a line from Patio Lanterns: Our house had the biggest patio, our house had all the summer shade.
We had patio lanterns. I'd spend half the night making lemonade. Now that is deep!
Although, after the à la Kip comment, I am wondering if I should have tried to incorporate "I love technology" into the post too. Too bad I was too slow on the uptake. :o)
Monday was a gripping day for all Canadians. Voter turnout was at an all time high.
I urge everyone to come out and vote again to determine yet another very important issue...
check out this link --> http://www.teesnthings.com/ProductImages/stickers/cage-fighter-sticker.jpg
young joe & kip, seperated at birth?
polls are now open.
I am laughing so hard I am going to be sick. :o)
Mullet, mullet, mullet. How can hockey hair be hockey hair when sported by a non-hockey boy? Impossible!
I agree Trish the dish! That is a mullet if I ever saw one! Hockey hair my A$$. You have to played it to have it! HA HA! GOSH!
Points for JOE: Well, you have a sweet bike. And you're really good at hooking up with chicks. Plus you're like the only guy at school who has a mustache. (peachfuzz that is) Ha Ha!
jon bon has rocker hair but rico torres (to his left) has a mullet. It's a fine line really...
Lol, nice
Joe, there is no way you are goign to convince me that you have rocker hair in that picture. And if you are in any way implying that Jon Bon had a mullet, I must insist that you TAKE IT BACK!!! JBJ was the cooler than school and his hair was rocker. There is no way he was sporting a mullet. Spiral perm? Maybe. Mullet. Definitely not. :o)
Mullets begone.
The rat-tail was where it was at.
Ryan, did you have a rat tail?!
I used to have the biggest crush on this boy in junior high who had spikey hair and a rat tail. Imagine!
Nah. An Islander. His name was Jason.
wow Joe you sported a mullet till 1990! Well admission is the first step. At least you're on the right path. :-)
RAT TAIL! ROCK ON! I had one too! Way cooler than Joe's Mullet!
RAT TAIL! ROCK ON! I had one too! Way cooler than Joe's Mullet!
Comment Above: in your dreams JOE DIRT! Tee hee!
Can I just say that I am still having a good laugh when I log on and see this picture?
I think I will make a t-shirt from this photo.
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