Ahoy mateys! Shiver me timbers, it be September 19 already! AARR. Bein' the saucy wench that I be, I came t'save the day and give a bit o' help to all ye lubbers who never learned how t'talk like a pirate. This video be mighty edumacational.
And don't be forgettin to use yer pirate pick-up lines today. "That's a mighty fine pirate booty ye got thar." Aaar. Now get t'work or ye'll be walkin' the plank.
Yar, the government be a harsh mistress.
Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free.
I don't know what this means, but it's awfully funny.
Well now that I'm an experienced sailor. I laugh at you wannabies!
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