Dear Dish on Internet Theft
Dear Dish:
Is it okay to steal a neighbour's unsecured Internet signal? To provide context, it's not for any illegal activity or downloads that may slow it up. What if I just borrow and not steal it per se. It's somewhat intangible, much like the ethers or vapors. And I don't know what either of those things are. Basically, the Internet just falls from the sky and travels through the air like the wind while dancing on glittery pink clouds.
What is the nature of morality? Will man's future be determined by "Did you steal that Internet signal?" versus "Did you steal that banana protector or hot dog thermos?"
A Moral Contender
P.S. - Why is Internet capitalized? Seems like a cruel joke to me.
Dear Contender:
Your glittery description of the Internet does nothing to change the facts in this case. Didn't you learn anything from the Simpsons episode where Homer decides to steal cable?! The pamphlet, So You've Decided to Steal Cable, did have some compelling arguments such as the following:
Myth: Cable piracy is wrong.
Fact: Cable companies are big faceless corporations,
which makes it okay.
However, in the end even Homer decided that stealing was wrong. Are you going to ignore a moral lesson taught to you by the Simpsons?! Tsk. Tsk.
For more information on this topic, please refer to a reply Dish gave to another reader about honesty issues.
With regard to your question about the capitalization of Internet, most style guides agree that Internet is a proper noun since it is a one-of-a-kind item and must therefore be capitalized.