u The Main Dish: Nation Within a Nation

The Main Dish

Looking for the Spoon...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Nation Within a Nation

Well, by now everyone has heard about the Harper government voting to make Quebec a nation within a nation. Now, don't get me wrong, I am all about preserving the French culture and heritage. It's part of me and just seems to make sense. However, I don't agree with Mr. Harper's methods. Seems to me, he is just stirring up trouble and forwarding his own agenda for a majority government rather than truly looking out for the needs of Canadians.

That being said, anyone who knows me knows I am not one to talk politics. So, on to the REAL reason why I am discussing this topic on my blog.

Chez 106 has decided that if Quebec can be a nation within a nation, it wants the Chez 106 Platinum Points Club to be a nation within a nation, arguing that it already has its own currency. It's slogan: One Nation Under Rock.

This totally cracks me up. One more reason to love Chez 106. You can sign the petition to Stephen Harper here.


At November 30, 2006 9:30 AM, Blogger Palmer said...

I'm pushing for Northern Ontario to be a nation. Why not? We accept beans and Canadian Tire money as currency.


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