Safety Every Day...On Alcohol
Ok. Just one more gem for tonight...Again, these are direct quotes. Please pay special note to the one in bold. I love this book.
For hundreds of years people have known that alcoholic drinks fool those who drink them...[The drinker] often says and does things that he would not do when he is not under the influence of alcohol. He may boast about how smart he is, and try to do unwise and dangerous things.
Railroad men must be dependable; therefore they must not take alcoholic drinks. Airplane pilots must also be dependable...They cannot afford to be fooled by alcohol.
Some people say alcohol helps to make them forget their troubles, but it also makes them forget their manners and lose their common sense.
They also say that alcohol helps to make them happy, but the happiness is unreal. They act foolishly and carelessly, and other people looking on do not feel proud of them. Will they be happy and proud of themselves afterward?
A person who is in the habit of drinking alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, ale, gin, and whisky, is more likely to catch germ diseases than a person who does not drink.