The Ultimate Showdown
This week's movie - Lone Wolf McQuade starring Chuck Norris. Where to begin? It had a great opener with one of the bad guys sending a torrent of bullets at Chuck and missing every time. Chuck sends one bullet back and kills the guy. Then, he stands on top of a cliff, sun at his back so all you can see is his silhouette. Classic!
Key moments to watch for include Chuck and his woman mud wrestling, Chuck's woman telling him she loves him, while he just sits there (we were waiting for the response "I know." but it never came), and the bad guy fighting martial arts style in an argyle sweater. Also, let's not forget car beer - don't leave home without it. You'd be surprised at what it can do.
One of my favorite parts: Chuck meets a woman one day and the next day when he comes home there she is cleaning his house. She has thrown out all his beer. There's a plastic bottle on top of the fridge. Chuck asks, "What's this?" She replies, "Vitamins." This causes Chuck to go into a fit of rage and fling everything that was on top of the fridge across the room.
This movie is everything you would expect from a Chuck Norris movie and has the 80s fashion to boot. (Side note: How on earth did people breathe with such tight pants pulled up around their chins?) The action is awesome and over dramatic, as is the bad acting.
I give this movie a definite 5 out of 5 cheese slices.